Hey fellows,
I have been waiting for some of my fellow trekkers to start this thread, but they must ALL still be pooped from the overnight in the woods. :-)
So here goes.
We met at the H.C.C.C. grounds at almost,,,, the appointed time.
Eight hardy lads were ready to go, and Gucci led us out. Six W.O.T.L.M.s and two others, one a seasoned woodsman, (Greg Waldron) and a pilgrim who Gucci said we could fill with bullshit and knowledge. Well Bill, while he had no equipment, he had plenty of knowledge, which Gucci was to learn. As far as bullshit Gucci was able to supply an ample amount!
After a loooong walk past many numbers of good campsites along the high banks, we finally found a suitable spot for our camp.
No game was seen on this walk. Greg and Tim who had to leave after enjoying the day with us and hunting saw no game either. Camp was pitched and firewood gathered and we settled down for the unenviable bullshit that Gucci had promised.
Drinking to our missing comrades and the lost members we finished off all the drink we had before dark. Just as the rain started, off to our shelters we trudged. One of us had no shelter what so ever. So the pilgrim was invited in to the lean-to which Gucci and I had pitched together. (I was the one who drew the short straw and my assignment was to keep an eye on him.)
In spite of the weather we had a pleasant time listening to the bullshit and of course Gucci wanted to hear Little Sally again.
In the midnight hour the rain stopped so we could leave our humble shelter for some relief. Every one was sleeping so I fired up and stood by the fire for a while. Back to bed for a few hours and back up again. Fire up, and this time I brought a blanket to set on so I could keep my backside dry.
So, peaceful, enjoying the night sounds, listening to my comrades sleeping, and in the distance, the hounds hunting.
The early dawn came and the camp started to stir. I could see the glow of the smoke Lord Calvin was enjoying in the warmth of his blankets. Jim who arose and said "I never slept all night" Three Fingers was still, as he had some rum left when it started to rain and he retired to his shelter. My companions were still at rest in their warm blankets.
Soon it was full light and camp was all a stir. Coffee, hot chocolate, a bit of jerky, a boiled egg or two and then we began rolling up our camps. I was a bit too slow for our leader and was told to get with it. I packed up and redistributed my pack and had a much more pleasant walk back out. Resting back at the club house we discussed the fun we had, the companionship we enjoyed, and were glad we had went, and vowed to do it again. BECAUSE WE CAN!
Eight started this trek, six spent the night, and four of us were seventy years of age or more.
The rest of you missed a good time, but don't forget a W.O.T.L.M. meeting at Cedar Station the first weekend of November
First ,2nd, & 3rd. Come early stay late. I will be there all the time. As far as primitive dress we don't know. Chime in or wear what you wish. There will be some shooting. Jim is putting together a match. I will have something also. Jim thinks a blanket shoot? Mine will be for beads. If we have enough fellows and smooth bores I will separate for both. We are looking for a good turnout as we have some things to discuss. Bring your thoughts.
Only one of us at the canoe shoot this year. We didn't even field a team at Sand lake this year.
We were the defending champions, Boys!
Chime in let us know.
Your Brother,
Trapper John